TAKATA escapes penalty in EU Antitrust Decision on car safety equipment supplier’s cartel

TAKATA escapes penalty in EU Antitrust Decision on car safety equipment supplier’s cartel The European Commission (“EU/Commission”),in a Press Release dated 5th March 2019 , publishing  its 29th settlement case since the introduction of the settlement procedure for cartels in June 2008, has imposed a total fine of  Euro 368,277,000 on Autoliv and TRW for…

Competition clearance in Insolvency Resolution Process in India – Do the acquirers have a choice?

Competition Commission clearance in Insolvency Resolution Process in India – Do the acquirers have a choice? The enactment of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 (IBC) in India has resulted in large corporate entities queuing up to acquire distressed companies and their assets, put on block following initiation of IBC proceedings. Acquisition of a corporate…

CCI vs TRAI- Turf war begins! -Can and should CCI monopolize knowledge on competition law?

So the regulatory “war” has begun in India in the backdrop of the ongoing tussle between telecom giants to grab the maximum share of the huge market for telecom services, both voice calls and data services. Somewhat like the famous Smartphone Patent wars in Europe and elsewhere (including in India between Eriksson and local manufacturers…

CCI initiates investigation against Mahyco Monsanto Group entities for abuse of dominance

CCI by its order dated March 14, 2017 has initiated an investigation against Mahyco Monsanto Group for abuse of dominance in relation to sub-license agreements through which Bt. technology   is   sub-licensed   to   the   seed   manufacturing   companies   in   India; charging  unfair  trait  value;  limiting  scientific  development  relating  to  Bt.cotton technology as well as Bt.cotton seeds and…

CCI imposes penalty of INR 205 Crore on 7 cement manufacturers for bid-rigging in supply of cement to Director General (Supplies and Disposal), Haryana

CCI by its order dated January 19, 2017 has imposed a penalty for bid-rigging on 7 cement manufacturers, viz. Shree Cement Limited, Ultratech Cement Limited, Jaiprakash Associates Limited, J.K. Cement Limited, Ambuja Cements Limited, ACC Limited, and J.K. Lakshmi Cement Limited (collectively referred to as “Opposite Parties”/”OPs”). In the reference made by the DGS&D, it…