Written by 1:13 pm Antitrust, Uncategorized

CCI to investigate Mahyco Monsanto for abuse of dominance in charging royalties for

The Competition Commission of India (CCI) by way of its order dated June 9, 2016 directed the Direc…

The Competition Commission of India (CCI) by way of its order dated June 9, 2016 directed the Director GenMahyco-Monsanto-Biotecheral (‘DG’)   to investigate Mahyco Monsanto Biotech (I) Limited, Monsanto Holdings Private Ltd., Monsanto Inc., U.S.A. and Maharashtra Hybrid Seeds Company Ltd. (collectively called as “Opposite parties”) pursuant to an information filed by Kaveri Seed Company ltd, Ankur Seeds Pvt Ltd and Ajeet Seeds Pvt ltd. for alleged contravention of Sections 3 and 4 of the Act.


It has been alleged that  Opposite parties(“OPs”) were abusing the dominant position by imposing unfair and discriminatory conditions, charging unfair trait value; limiting scientific development and denied  market access. Informants further alleged that the OPs have entered into exclusive supply agreement, refused to deal with Indian seed manufacturers and reserved the right to fix price of seeds in certain circumstances, in contravention of provisions of Section 3 (4) of the Act.


Noticeably, CCI earlier, vide majority order dated 10th February 2016, passed under Section 26 (1) of the Act in Reference Case No. 2 of 2015 and Case No. 107 of 2015, has also directed the Director General (‘DG’) to cause an investigation into the same matter. (Source: Order dated June 9, 2016. For full text see CCI website )

Suggested Reading:

(i) COMPAT sets-aside penalty of INR 1,773 Crores penalty on Coal India Limited (CIL) by CCI

(ii) CCI initiates investigation against Athletic Federation of India

(iii) CCI Order refusing interim relief against OLA Cabs in an ongoing investigation upheld by COMPAT

(iv) COMPAT upholds CCI order dismissing abuse of dominance allegation against Delhi International Airport Limited (DIAL)

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